Here is a quick comparison of top digital SLRs in the market: Sony A350, Canon EOS 50D, Canon EOS 450D, Nikon D5000 and the Nikon D300. Below are the pictures, general specifications and each camera’s strengths and weakness/es.
Sony A350 Specifications:
Total pixels: 14.9 megapixels
LCD monitor: 2.7-inch
Sensor: 23.5×15.7mmCCD
Weight: 582g
Strength: This digital SLR is capable of photos that are truly stunning. Its Live View mode makes framing much easier.
Weakness: Its Burst mode is pretty poor and there is some noise at higher ISO settings
Canon EOS 50D Specifications:
Total pixels: 15.1 megapixels
LCD monitor: 3-inch
Sensor: 22.3×14.9mm CMOS
Weight: 730g
Strength: This digital SLR is whopping great especially with its 15-meg images. It features fast and accurate shooting and focusing .
Weakness: Noise at high ISO settings
Canon EOS 450D Specifications:
Total pixels: 12.2 megapixels
LCD monitor: 3-inch
Sensor: 22.2×14.8mm CMOS
Weight: 475g
Strength: This digital SLR’s 12-meg sensor and IS kit lens is impressive. Its LCD screen is big and brash.
Weakness: Its lens feels lightly plasticky and declasse even though it is very good.
Nikon D5000 Specifications:
Total pixels: 12 megapixels
LCD monitor: 2.7-inch
Sensor: 23.6×15.8mm CMOS
Weight: 550g
Strength: What’s great about this DSLR are the quality of its 12-megapixel stills, its Live View picture and 720p movie mode.
Weakness: Its lack of autofocus
Nikon D300 Specifications:
Total pixels: 12.3 megapixels
LCD monitor: 3-inch
Sensor: 23.6×15.8mm CMOS
Weight: 826g
Strength: Its strength is its quick shooting and responsive auto focus which produces top quality snaps.
Weakness: Nice camera but it has complex controls and it’s very pricey – not for neophytes.
Thanks for this, I’ve been saving up to buy a pro camera and I need all the tips on what brand and model to get.
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