According to Nielsen, the top brands of the web in the U.S. last year, at least from January to October 2011, were the following:
Top U.S. Internet/Web Brands in 2011
1. Google
2. Facebook
3. Yahoo
4. MSN/WindowsLive/Bing
5. YouTube
6. Microsoft
7. AOL Media Network
8. Wikipedia
9. Apple
10. Ask
In the same article released by Nielsen, the Top U.S. social networks and blogs of 2011 were:
1. Facebook
2. Blogger
3. Twitter
4. WordPress
5. MySpace
6. LinkedIn
7. Tumblr
8. Google+
9. Yahoo Pulse
10. Six Apart TypePad
If you are an into online marketing like me, these information are vital because they can give you a big idea where to invest your money, online marketing and other efforts in. These top ten U.S. brands, social networks and blogs of 2011 will surely be a great resource in whatever online endeavor you have.
Great info bro! Thanks for sharing.