The dust is slowly settling as Apple released the iPad a few days ago and most of what’s left standing are talks about how this probable-netbook-buster has become a fail. wrote about how the iPad’s name, inability to let its user multi-task, lack of a camera and flash, huge adapters and it’s difficulty to type on and I couldn’t agree more. There were other groups that called the iPad an iTampon.
The iPad’s dimensions
But even as the iPad received a lot of criticism which, I hope, will eventually help improve other Apple releases, let us take a step back and see how revolutionary Steve Job’s new baby is. First, the iPad , looking at its specifications, was not designed to compete with netbooks. It was released to change the face of computing and in that sense, Apple made a big leap since the iTouch and iPhone. Second, the e-book readers that are in the market right now found their nemesis with the iPad. The Kindle and Nook may have wireless connectivity and magazine subscriptions, but it is not capable of the full-colour beauty and multi-touch navigation that the iPad has.
Is the iPad an e-book reader or netbook buster?
A revolutionary move may start out facing lots of critics, but as this new computing revolution that Apple is setting slowly grows, we can expect better things in the future that will satisfy most customers and the present iPad critics.