BlackBerry Prepares Answer to Apple’s iPad

Canada’s Research In Motion Ltd., the makers of BlackBerry could unveil its answer to Apple’s iPad. Their new tablet computer—as well as the operating system that will power it may come out in the US as early as next week.

The tablet, which some RIM insiders are calling the BlackPad but is officially called PlayBook, is scheduled for release in the fourth quarter of this year. The PlayBook features a seven-inch touch screen and one or two built-in cameras. It will have Bluetooth and broadband connections but will only be able to connect to cellular networks through a BlackBerry smartphone.

In another development, RIM’s PlayBook will improve the recently revamped BlackBerry 6 operating system in favor of a completely new platform built by QNX Software Systems.

When this happens, many will watch the competition between BlackBerry and Apple closely especially in the tablet business.

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