Last Thursday, Samsung Philippines launched the Samsung Smart TV. This new innovation is better than the current offers of Internet TV in the market because this one is Smart-er in many ways.
The Samsung Smart TV features a Smart Hub where web applications can be enjoyed via the television using a WiFi connection. Another one of its Smart features is SocialTV where a viewer can watch his favorite television show or video while posting status updates in Facebook or Twitter with the screen split into two the way the user wants it.
One of the awesome additions to Samsung’s innovation is its capabiity to upscale graphics and audio from 2D to 3D. All this comes with a slim and edgy design of the body.
Samsung designed this TV as energy efficient by introducing LED TV, LCD TV and PDP TV. With the Samsung Smart TV, watching TV doesn’t have to make one feel guilty of wasting so much energy but even saving the environment because of its green features.
Thanks for the Info.. I got my New samsung {56″ 3D tv} last week and haven’t stopped watching it. the glasses are kind of to big for me but it’s no problem when looking at images so clear.