PhoneIt-iPad Hack Can Turn iPad Into Tablet Sized Phone 4

For those who have fearlessly/foolishly jailbroken their iPads, the iPad and iPad 2 can now be used to make phone calls. Developers over at iPhoneIslam have developed the PhoneIt-iPad app/hack that allows users to make phone calls and send and receive text messages on iPads with 3G connectivity.

So what are the things you’ll need?

1. You’ll need to have an iPad or iPad 2 with 3G connectivity
2. Micro SIM (3G)
3. A jailbroken iOS software
4. $20 for the cost of the PhoneIt-iPad app/hack from the Cydia app store
5. A headset so you won’t look stupid calling someone using a 10-inch phone.

Below is the video demo from iPhoneIslam on how to use your iPad to make phone calls and send and receive text messages.

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